Our Goals
To unite Parks and Recreation Professionals in the Commonwealth in one professional organization
To encourage and promote professional certification through training and continuing education units (CEU’s) for Parks and Recreation Professionals
To foster and maintain high standards of professional qualifications and ethics
To educate the public and foster favorable opinions regarding the values and objectives of Parks and Recreation
To act collectively in the interest of the Parks and Recreation profession and industry
To encourage study and research on matters of professional interest
To cooperate with other groups or organizations that have similar or related objectives
To be proactive on legislative items that could affect our industry and assist in advocacy where appropriate
Annual State Conference
Every year, hundreds of Massachusetts park and recreation professionals attend the annual conference for energetic networking activities, inspirational education sessions and an inside look at the latest products for the field.

Professional Development, Networking and Events
Whether you’re a professional, students, citizens, or your business is associated with the park and recreation field we offer a wealth of professional development resources.
